Friday, September 11, 2009


Speaker : Pastor Joel Christie Isaiah
Date:6 September 2009
Venue :Grace Awkening Ministries
Speak the words of life and it will bring life


This morning I have good news for you . I have taken from Ezekiel 37 1-14

The name Ezekiel means God Strengthens. Today God is going to strengthen you.

The vision came and Ezekiel saw in the midst of the valley it was full of bones.

When you see it is only bones and no flesh it means there is spiritual dryness.
In our present times these signs means
1. It is depression of the heart and the spirit.
2. It is associated with disappointments and defeats.
3. It is full of frustration

God spoke to Ezekiel,
Can these bones live.? Ezekiel answered O Lord God you know.

God was asking and hoping to get a positive answer form Ezekiel.

How negative our situation might be, God is speaking to us there is hope.

Vs 4
And again He said to me “Prophesy to these bones and say to them ‘ O dry bones hear the word of the Lord.!

When you want to lead a successful life hear God’s word.
• His word is alive
• His word brings for the life
• His word is lamp unto you feet and a light unto your path.

The Roman Centurion came to Jesus. Lord my servant is sick and I believe you could heal him. Jesus said I come and heal you son. He said Lord I am not worthy to receive you but speak the word and my servant will be healed.
And Jesus said I have not seen any great faith like this in Israel. Go your servant is healed. If you hear God’s word on a regular basis you will have good success. Your negative thoughts will be turned to positive.

Vs 5
Thus says the Lord God to these bones. “Surely I will cause breath to enter you and you shall live.

I love the word surely in the bible .
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

God says you shall live in what ever circumstances you are in today . Those negative things that has been bothering you for many years will come to an end today. Amen.

Vs 6

I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”””

• You don’t have to look back at you failures
• God is giving you new strength. You shall be like eagle. Having great strength.
• God gives the Holy Spirit to dwell with you.

Jesus said I will give you a comforter. He will guide you in every thing. Just believe and receive the goodness Gopd has in store for us.
1. WORD OF KNOWLEDGE: A supernatural revelation of facts about a person or situation –past,present or future. This Gift makes you see how God sees. Jn 4:18,19
2. Word OF WISDOM: The special ability given by the Holy Spirit on how a given revelation may be applied to the situation. This gift given wisdom to solve the problem revealed through the Word of Knowledge. Gen 41 28-41
3. GIFT OF FAITH: A supernatural surge of confidence or transrational certainity that God is about to act. When this gift operates you have the faith of God and you become a supernatural person. What you speak will happen. Acts 14: 9,10
4. GIFTS OF HEALING: The ability to bring about healing of disease and infirmities supernaturally
5. WORKING OF MIRACLES: The supernatural intervention in man’s routine and natural living defying natural laws.
6. GIFT OF PROPHECY: The ability to receive and communicate an immediate message of God. Acts 13 1-4
7. DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN SPIRITS: The supernatural perception to discern the motivating spirit behind an act or word.
8. GIFT TONGUES: Spontaneous utterance in language not learnt before.
9. INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES: Supernatural revelation which enables to understand and communicate the message spoken in tongues in the language of the listeners.
Vs 7

Ezekiel prophesied and as he prophesied there was noise and suddenly a rattling and the bones came together bone to bone.

Even when you start speaking and saying things will work.
When you say die you shall surely die. But when you say live you shall surely live.

Jesus said if you tell to the mountain be thou cast into the sea and does not doubt them he will have what ever he says. Mark 11:23

Tonight I am speaking life to your mortal bodies. I am speaking life to you problems. God is solving the problem even right now.

Vs 8

Indeed as I looked the sinews and the flesh came upon them and the skin covered them over but there was no breath in them.

When we receive miracles form God it is excellent. But we still must have the breath of God in us That is the Spirit of God. Ezekiel saw that they are good but no breath.

Vs 9

Then God spoke to him and said prophesy again and say to the breath, thus says the Lord God come from four winds o breath and breathe on these slain that they may live.

When Ezekiel prophesied these time the whole dry bones stood up.
An excedingly great army . Breath came into them. The spirit of God was in them they became strong .
They said our bones are dry, our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off.’

When we see there is no hope. We will die spiritually.

There is hope in Jesus.

Christ in you the hope of Glory. Today the spirit of God is upon you. The God whom we serve is a possible god. Man may fail us, but God can never fail us. He wants to be where you are. He his is giving you a comfort heart. He is not looking at your failure but he is looking at you just you are. If you just give your problems to Jesus He is willing to solve it for you.
1. If your are bodily sick He is your healer. Johavah Rophi Ex15:26.(the Lord is our Healer)
2. If you having financial problem He is your provider Jovah JirehGen 22:14(The Lord is my provider)
3. If you think god has left you. Remember Eze 48-35 The Lord is present. The Lord is at hand.
4. If you think that you you have no peace. Judges 6:24 Jehovah shalom. The Lord is my peace.
5. He is the El Elyon. The supreme owner , the most high God.

Today God is picture as your Abba father. Through Jesus Christ His son son, we are mad sons and daughter. What ever we ask in Jesus name to the Father we shall receive them.

There is hope. If you are in a hopeless situation. There is Good News there is Hope. Just Believe and receive the blessings Amen.