Monday, September 21, 2009


Speaker Pastor Joel Isaiah
Date: 28 August 2009
Grace Awakening Ministries

Baptism is a New Testament doctrine.
The word ‘Baptizo’ means dip,immerse,submerge.
John the Baptist was sent to baptize.Mark 1:4,11:30

The meaning of Baptism.
1. It means separation by death from sin.Col 3:3,Gal 6:14 Rom 6 3-11
2. It means identification with Christ.Rom 6 4-13, Gal 3:26,27,28

1. Identification in His Death Rom 6:5
2. Identification in His Burial Rom 6:4
3. Identification in His Resurrection Rom 6:4
3. It means association with the body of Christ.1Cor 12:13

The Necessity of Baptism
1. It is commanded. Matt 3:13-17,Mark 16:16
2. It is necessary to follow the example of Christ. 1 Peter 2:21
3. It is necessary to fulfill all righteousness. Matt 3:15
4. It is an essential foundation for the Christian life. Acts 2 37-40.

Who may be baptized?
1. Those who heard the Gospel and believed. Mark 16:16,Acts 18:8.
2. Those who have repented. Acts 2:38
3. Those who show fruit worthy of repentance. Luke 3 7 &8, Matt 3:8
4. Those who have received the Holy Spirit. Acts 10:47
5. those who been taught the word of god Matt 28 19 & 20

The Blessings of Baptism

1. Remission of sins Matt 3 2, 6, Mark 1 4&5, Acts 22:16
2. By identifying with Christ we receive the fruits of the death of Christ and His resurrection. Rom 6 1-11
3. We enter into a Covenant with God and we are secure in Christ 1 Peter 3 18-22
4. We are divinely quickened into new life by the Holy Spirit. Col 2 11,12
5. We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. John 1:30-34, Act 2:38,Luke 3:16
6. We enter God’s Kingdom as His children and enjoy the blessings of the New Age. Gal 3:26,29, 1Cor 10:2

How should be one baptized?

1. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Matt 28:19
2. Using water Acts 8:36, John 3:23
3. Any one of the three modes of baptism:

• By pouring Signifies the Old Testament practice of Anointing. 1 Sam 10:1, Exodus 29:7
• By sprinkling. Signifies the Old Testament practice of cleansing or purification and consecration. Lev 8:30 Num 8:7
• BY immersion. Signifies the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Rom 6 1-13,Col 2:12,Matt 3:16, Acts 8 38& 39.

When should one be baptized? (the validity of infant baptism)
1. One should be baptized when he or she is able to understand repentance, able to understand and believe in the Gospel and able to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
2. There are records of three house holds who were baptized. Acts 16:33 ! Cor 1:16,Acts 16:15. Children could have been included.
3. If we understand the connection between Baptism and Circumcision then we can baptize children of believing parents. Col 2 11-13, Matt 18:10, Mark 10 13-14, Acts 2:39, 1 Cor 7:14

In baptism we take public stand with God and righteousness and against the devil and sin. Roman 6 17 &18.
Through baptism we are delivered from the nature of sin and come under the law of the spirit unto conformity to Christ and His Kingdom. Baptism must be followed by a life of obedience and faith. Baptism is the out ward expression of the inward reality of transformation. The important thing is the inner spiritual meaning and not the mode. If a Child dies anabaptized the child sill be lost under baptism neither saves not condemned. Salvation is only through Jesus Christ.
There can be only one baptism. Eph 4:5