DATE: 13 September 2009
VENUE: Grace Awakening Ministries
SPEAKER: Pastor Joel Christie Isaiah
Marriage is a wonderful thing that God has instituted. Haseh is the Love of God. The same way God wants to bless our marriage.
If you are single over all you need this massage the most. But if you are married than this massage can build up your marriage relationship. If the love relationship between husband and wife is very good than we can see believers excelling in their lives and also we will have a healthy church. Than we can see than Kuantan, Pahang will be full of new believers rushing to all the Churches.
• Let us look at the bible on when marriage was first instituted.
Gen. 2:18-24 (Read)
When God created the moon and the star He spoke to the sky, the atmosphere. When God created the fishes and the sea creatures he spoke to the sea. When He created the animals He spoke to the earth, the land. But when God created man He spoke to Himself. - Gen. 1:26
• Let us look at how man was created:
In Hebrew the word for God created man is Yat Zak, which means God squeeze man from the dust of the ground. But for God created woman is Paa Nak, which means God skillfully build. Man do you know why it is so hard to understand a woman? It is because when God created women (Eve) man (Adam) was asleep. – Gen. 2:21-23
Verse 23- Read
These is now bones of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called women because she was taken out of man.
Man ~ Ish
Woman ~ Isha
But before God created woman, He asked Adam to name the animals. Men naturally are not good talkers. According to a survey, man has 50,000 words inside. Whereas a woman has 100,000 words inside. When a man goes to work he uses up all the words. And when he comes back he got no words too talk but then the woman who had all the words stored up inside wants to talk. Than ADAM becomes dumb. When the husband is dumb than the problem starts in the home. He has finished up his words. But the wife is fresh want to talk some more. Finally the wife talks the man keeps quiet. This is where the serpent took the opportunity to seduce Eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
• Eph. 5:22- 24
There is some different here compared to the first time God spoke to
Adam and Adam was dumb when the serpent spoke to Eve. Now Paul is writing this letter to Church of Ephesus addressing to the woman first.
Wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord
But pastor, I find it difficult to submit.
If I submit than he is going to bully me.
I can only submit in certain areas.
If I totally submit than he will take advantage of me.
He is always doing the wrong thing.
Bible says submit.
Story of Smith:
Smith was not a Christian. His wife was a Christian. One day as she wanted to go to church, she kissed her husband and said darling I love you but I want to go to church. So she went her way. But when she came home the door was locked and she was unable to going. It was winter and she was shivering in coldness. The next morning when her husband opened the door, she stood up and said darling what would you like for breakfast?
These changed Smith’s life. He became a powerful man of God.
When his wife died after one hour, he took her up and revived her back to life. And she ask him “ Smith what are you doing? I was talking to Jesus” and Smith said “Darling I missed you” and his wife answered him and said “No Smith it is time for me to go” and Smith let her go.
My dear brothers and sisters it is because of submitting to her husband she was able to bring him to God.
Eph. 5:25-30
Vs 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
• Unconditional love.
• Full of grace.(Full of undeserved favour)
• Always SMS( start new)
• Buy gifts for her.
To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.
How to make your wife holy.
• Spend time with her.
• Listening to God’s word
• Talk to her about the goodness of God.
• Read the word together.
• Don’t always scold and accept things to happen.
• Tell her I love you like crazy.
Vs 27
And to present her to himself as radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish,
The more husbands spend time with their wives they will see good results. Wife always confident, happy, having peace. And the wife will be pure and holy in the presence of God.
Vs 28
In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
I was thinking when I prepared this sermon how I love my own body. Then something told me wake up in the morning. I see that I am clean. Well shaved, body lotion, perfume, than the hair part I have problem. No hair to comb. Now, my wife told me my hair is growing. I have to comb it. Not, like some of our friends here don’t have hair……Joke.
The wife should have all the best perfumes, powder, lipstick or any other make up. Husbands buy for them.
Wives say………….Amen.